MAXX Regional Public Transport System

In competition with more than 70 design studios, Sanders Design was awarded the contract to develop a name and brand for the emerging Auckland regional public transport system covering road, rail and sea.

The MAXX branding is designed to incorporate distinctive Auckland branding with international wayfinding graphics. The symbol, colours and supporting graphics celebrate the spirit and the diversity of the Auckland region.

To date, the branding has appeared on Britomart, rail stations, ferry terminals, bus shelters, the rapidly developing North Shore busway and various printed material.

As the MAXX branding develops the public will also start to see more of ‘MAXX’ the pukeko. He is the brand’s mascot, delivering messages about public transport, particularly to school children, the ‘transport consumers’ of tomorrow.

MAXX britomart signage
MAXX britomart totem signage
MAXX interior wayfinding signage
MAXX albany signage
MAXX bus livery

021 737 868

MAXX britomart signage
MAXX britomart totem signage
MAXX interior wayfinding signage
MAXX albany signage
MAXX bus livery
MAXX britomart signage
MAXX britomart totem signage
MAXX interior wayfinding signage
MAXX albany signage
MAXX bus livery
MAXX britomart signage
MAXX britomart totem signage
MAXX interior wayfinding signage
MAXX albany signage
MAXX bus livery